On Wednesdays, The Preacher’s Bible Study is available both in-person and online. Each week, Pastor Walt offers two opportunities to study the scripture that he will preach on next Sunday in Worship. There is an AM (10 a.m.) and a PM (6:00 p.m.) option.
Both experienced students of the Bible and those who are just starting out are welcome to participate in these lively discussions. Together we will learn from God’s Word and help to shape the content of the sermon.
Here are the online-links…… use them at start time.
The Preacher’s Bible Study AM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85730242145?pwd=emx0WkVoK3JFVHV4cHYxYmZGM2E1QT09
The Preacher’s Bible Study PM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81707720494?pwd=Q3dxb2hPc1ErbVkyeVVOdlljS3Y2dz09