
Time, Talents & Treasures

At Christus Victor Lutheran Church, we celebrate the abundant and varied ways in which God has blessed us as we share our time, our talents, and our treasures.
Below you’ll find information about electronic giving as well as helpful CVLC resources.  Be sure to also check out our Worship and What’s Happening pages for just a few of the opportunities to share time and talents at CVLC!
What Shall I Render sheet music | Give Time, Talents or Treasures to CVLC Christus Victor Lutheran Church Naples & Bonita Springs

Financial Contributions

Individual contributions to the operations, ministries, and programs at CVLC can be made at the church (worship services, Sunday School, or to the church office) or by mail (checks only, please), or electronically online.


On-line (electronic) giving is an easy option for giving to Christ’s ministries at CVLC. You can contribute via credit card, debit card, or directly from your bank account (preferred). How much you give, how often you give, and how your gift is used are all up to you. And you can change those choices at any time, even putting your giving on hold if necessary.
CVLC has chosen Vanco (a former partner of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans) to administer our on-line giving program.


To sign up for on-line giving, click HERE. Establish your account by selecting “Sign in” at the upper right. From there, follow the instructions. Contribution amounts, frequencies, and start dates are linked to each fund tile.


I’m already enrolled. Can I access my account on-line?

Yes, you can access your account by clicking the link above and selecting “Log in” at the upper right.

Does Christus Victor get charged a transaction fee when I use my credit card or debit card?

Yes, we incur a fee of about 3%, but we recognize this as a worthwhile cost for your convenience, consistency of income, and the intentional nature of giving that our on-line program makes possible

Can I offset the transaction fee?

Yes, you can do so when you set up your donation. For example, if you would like to contribute $100 to CVLC and choose to offset the transaction fee, your donation would increase to $103. CVLC would receive $100, and your giving history would reflect a $103 donation.

Does Christus Victor prefer on-line (electronic) giving over pew envelopes or other forms of contributing?

No. Whichever form of contributing helps you to faithfully practice financial stewardship is the method you should use.

CVLC Endowment Fund

The CVLC Endowment Fund was established to provide an ongoing source of revenue to be dispersed to ministries not covered by the church budget. The funds for distribution come from the earnings from investments of contributions to the Endowment Fund. Annual earnings (thus distributions) presently exceed $10,000. More than $37,500 has been distributed to more than 15 organizations, including Immokalee Friendship House, Naples Senior Center, Bonita Assistance, Literacy Council, ELCA Fund for Leaders, among many others. The only way for the Endowment Fund to grow is through contributions, including cash, stocks, bonds, IRA distributions, will, etc., remembering that the fund principle is constantly maintained.

Documents & Member Forms