Christus Victor is the best! On Sunday I picked up a very large supply of baby wipes and delivered them on Monday. Thank you so much for your continuous support.
I also want to let you know that volunteers are needed this summer. Meals, clothing, canned/dry foods, and fresh produce are distributed Monday to Friday (9am to 11am) at Leitner Neighborhood Park, Nomad Street, in Bonita Springs. Some of the prepared meals are dropped off and need to be assembled by volunteers in take-home containers. These are then given to the clients when they go through the pantry line. The produce is on one table and canned goods are on a separate table where clients can pick out what they need. Because, some days, there are many needy people, the pantry lines are monitored so the distribution is fair.
Another way you can volunteer at Leitner Neighborhood Park is by reading a Bible story to the children. This is a very rewarding experience as the children love the stories and enjoy this personal contact.
The office located on Childers Street, is short staffed this summer. The office hours are 9am – 12pm or 12pm – 2pm, Monday to Friday.
Call Yadi Munoz at 239 776-5786 to let her know if you would like to volunteer.
Thank you for all your support to Café of Life.
Margery Winsett