On Sunday, October 1, we begin 40 days of prayer to explore mission and the possibility of calling a Second Pastor. Together we will pray daily, seeking God’s intention for CVLC and our outreach in our community.
This comes out of efforts from this past Spring. When it was determined that our Internship ministry was no longer viable going forward (the seminaries no longer seem to have students able to serve in a non-geographically restricted manner), the CVLC Council on Retreat shifted focus to explore the calling of a Second Pastor. Our Outreach Committee, after a year-long review of our outreach ministries, indicated our need for paid leadership in this area. Last, I heard in my Listening Posts a desire to increase CVLC’s involvement in our neighborhood. These observations began the conversation with the Florida Bahamas Synod about possibly calling a Second Pastor with an emphasis on engaging our neighbors.
The next step in our discernment process involves the congregation at large. Through prayer and conversation, we will seek clarity. What is God inviting us to be in our larger community? How might we grow in our efforts to share the love of Jesus in this place? What additional leadership might be needed?
Here is how you can help in the process:
1) Sign up to receive the daily prayer email. Starting on October 1, you will receive a scripture reading, questions to ponder, and a prayer. Click HERE to sign-up.
2) Sign up to take part in a group discussion. We have assembled a list of options – most meeting weekly – for you to share your ideas/thoughts with others. Click HERE to find out more information and to sign-up.
What clarity will come? What fresh insights will emerge? These are exciting questions about which to wonder.
Together we open a new chapter of CVLC’s life.